Tuesday, April 12, 2011

   I didn't really mind when the gold fish started dying.  Until the one that my 5 year old picked out for me as my Christmas present began swimming sideways and floppin around his tank.  Then I drove straight away to the next town to get Terri Dundee, aka Honey, aka my mama to come try to save this fish.  She's the only fish vet I know.  When the fish didn't make it, I said the Lord's Prayer with my girls and we very ceremoniously flushed him.  I told him he was going to fish heaven.
   I didn't even get a chance to try to help Ook.  I'm glad it was fast, as it usually is with semi vs pit bull action, and I'm glad she didn't suffer.  But now my girls will have to have the Heaven Talk again.  I've lived on this stretch of highway my entire life and I have lost many dogs to its dangers.  Charge it to the game.  The world keeps spinning.  Life will go on.  But I feel for my little girls.  They will feel her loss, she wasn't a fish in a tank in the corner of mama's room and we all know mama hates fish anyways.  She was my viscous bitch.  I'm gonna miss her.  The only one of my girls that I didn't mind sleeping with me.  I loved her.
  This is another reason I don't like pets.  I hate to lose them.  I know that this loss will help teach my kids a valuable lesson about life and death, but sometimes I just want to sheild them from all this.  Last month it was the baby in Auntie's belly that went to Heaven.  This month its Ookla.  I don't want them to think everything around them is fading away like I do.....I'm just sad.

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